How to write a task for a copywriter

Drawing Up Technical Specifications for a Copywriter

In the bustling world of online marketing and content creation, clarity is paramount. A well-defined path is the key to ensuring that the content delivered aligns with your expectations. That’s where the technical specification, a roadmap for copywriters, enters the picture. Particularly in niche fields like gambling and online casinos, a detailed technical task can be the difference between content that resonates and content that simply exists.

What is a Technical Task for a Copywriter?

A technical task (TT) for a copywriter is essentially a detailed guide. It outlines what the client wants from the content, specifying its structure, style, keywords, and other essential elements. A comprehensive TT provides a clear vision of the final product, eliminating ambiguities and ensuring that the copywriter produces content that fits the client’s vision and goals.

What is Included in the Terms of Reference for a Copywriter?

Drawing up terms of reference (TOR) for a copywriter is crucial to achieve the desired outcome. The TOR generally includes:

  • Topic & Objective: Clearly state the subject and what you aim to achieve with the content.
  • Target Audience: Define the demographic and psychographic profile of the readers.
  • Keywords & SEO: List down the primary and secondary keywords that need to be included, especially crucial for SEO-focused content.
  • Tone & Style: Whether you want a conversational tone, formal prose, or a sales pitch, specify it.
  • Content Structure: Highlight headers, subheaders, bullet points, and any specific formatting preferences.
  • Length: Define the expected word count or character limit.
  • References & Sources: Mention any preferred sources or specific data points to be included.
  • Unique Selling Points (USPs): Especially for product or service reviews, list down USPs that should be highlighted.

An Example of a Technical Task for an SEO Copywriter

Topic: Exploring the Features of Online Casinos

Objective: To highlight the benefits of using the Play online casino Glimmer

Target Audience: Casino enthusiasts aged 21-45, both novice and experts

Keywords: Play online casino Glimmer, online casino features, casino bonuses

Tone & Style: Informative with a hint of persuasive tone

Content Structure: Introduction, Benefits of Play online casino Glimmer, Features of modern online casinos, Conclusion

Length: 1000-1200 words

References: Official website of Play online casino Glimmer, Recent survey on online gambling trends

Features of technical specifications for a copywriter

USPs: User-friendly interface, high payout ratio, variety of games

Why It Is Better Not to Save Time on Drawing Up Technical Specifications

  • Saving Time: Investing time in a detailed TT initially saves countless hours later in revisions and modifications. When a copywriter has clear directions, the first draft is often closer to what you envisaged.
  • Reducing Costs: Ambiguous instructions can lead to numerous rewrites. By reducing the number of revisions, you save money in the long run.
  • Getting What You Expect: A comprehensive TOR ensures that the final product matches your expectations. It minimizes surprises and guarantees that the content aligns with your brand’s voice and message.
  • Protecting Your Interests: A clear TT acts as a safeguard. It provides a reference point, ensuring that the copywriter adheres to the agreed parameters, protecting you from unwanted deviations or unwarranted creative liberties.


A technical task is more than just a guideline; it’s the foundation upon which compelling content is built. Especially in specialized domains like gambling and online casinos, a well-defined TOR ensures that the content is not only engaging but also compliant and relevant. So, invest the time upfront in drawing up a detailed specification, and reap the benefits of impeccable content that resonates with your audience.