How to write a title

How to Make Good Posts Title?

3 Tips to Make Good Posts Title

The title is a very important part of a post and indirectly also determines the number of readers. In addition, the title is also the highest sum of any posting. Unfortunately, many bloggers are still making the title of a general nature.

As a result, what was really going to show is cannot be guessed from the title. New readers can understand it after reading all the contents of the posting. Thus, the title fails to become the highest sum of any posting. Therefore, the title should be well prepared. How to make a good post title? Below I inform the three tips.

These three tips are usually used in making the title of my posts on some of my blogs. The source of these tips are a few abroad bloggers posting and also from the book “Through the National and International Scientific Journal (written by Dr. Mikrajuddin Abdullah, professor of Physics ITB, 2004, Publisher Scholastic). So you better understand it, all three of these tips with examples titles.

1. Create an effective title words (maximum 12 words) but enough to explain the contents of the posting. Try not too short because it will confuse the reader.

Examples of titles that are too short is my writing is One Day. This title is not helpful to the reader because it does not explain the contents of the posting. It would be better if the title The Meaning Negative One Day. I will change it this weekend. : Mrgreen:

Why the title should not be too long? This is because it displays the words that are not necessary and not search engine friendly. Example of the long title is: On the Addition to the method of microscopic research by a new way of producing color-contrast between an object and its background or between the definite parts of the object itself.

selling title

2. Create a title that attracts attention. Outside the topic of pornography smelly, the title of this type are usually added to the hyperbolic words like too … (the best, hottest, funniest, etc.), smart, successful, brilliant, accurate, practical, easy, fast, confidential, and powerful.

The examples below might help you make your title to attract attention. These two examples are related as customers RSS Feeds:

  • How to Improve RSS Feeds
  • 10 How Sweet Got 2000 Subscribers in 90 Days RSS feed.

From the two titles above, which one do you think the title is more interesting and wanted to get you reading?

Note: The title of this kind must be accompanied by evidence, either from your personal experience and trusted reference.

3. Enter a keyword in the title (no more than two keywords). Outside the SEO contest, the title of this type would be a good position in search engines. I have experience with this.

Two months ago I wanted to be number one on the beach charm to phrase ideas. Ranked first time it was occupied by a third page ranked blog posting titled Enchantment Coast Idea, while my free blog page ranked 0 are in the order of 30.

I finally decided to change the title from previous posts Enchantment Idea Beach, became Coast Idea: Most Popular Beaches and full of charm. The point, I added two keywords ie beach.

Two weeks later, your post appeared on Google’s number one. Thank God it still number one. Want proof? Please check your course in Google for phrases coastal charm of ideas.

That’s three tips to make a good post title. Hopefully these three tips are useful for you who do not know. Happy blogging!