Sales content (words)

Selling Hypnotic Infostyle Magic Words Magnets

Until yesterday copywriters were adding so-called “magic words” to texts, but the result was not what they expected. Today, all the “extra” words are thoroughly cleaned of verbal rubbish, giving the texts more useful and infrmativity.

Copywriting is always changing

Years ago, the golden rule of copywriting was to capitalize every word in the headline. Since the advent of the internet, there have been major changes in sales words and emotive phrases. Today it looks ridiculous, but back then it seemed like an innovation.

After that, other trends emerged: marking the portrait of the customer, his problems and needs. Selling products to potential customers, operated on concrete facts. It was at this time that the infobusiness, so lucrative today, began to emerge.


Infostyle cannot be considered a novelty, and the rule of getting rid of verbal rubbish is not surprising to anyone. Ilyakhov has proven that traditional sales text is in most cases the most effective tool for sales through lending and letters. This tool is chosen for the specific task and the target audience.

At a time when informational style is popular, many people have begun to use software to remove stop words from text that are bad for sales. However, many authors and customers went even further, trying to apply the algorithms of such programmes even to artistic texts.

That said, many copywriters are still annoyed by the fact that a commercial text is made up of strict blocks and can be assembled like a construction set. “What about creativity?” – they ask, not realising that creativity turns a sales text into a meaningless stream of consciousness.

What sales words can be

What about today?

Today, copywriters mostly work strictly on terms of reference. The best client for such specialists is the one who will give a detailed terms of reference and will not demand anything beyond it.

Advanced copywriters ask the client to fill in a brief. The most experienced ones develop a brief for a particular client. Not surprisingly, for such copywriters, phrases about a particular task and information style seem noisy and useless.

We can conclude that the world is constantly changing, and so are copywriting trends. Today, people read all information from smartphones, which is completely different from reading from monitors five years ago. At the same time, many people do not read the texts, but simply run through them with their eyes for important information. At the same time, many copywriters have responded to the movement of progress by calling themselves commercial writers and learning how to remove stop words from text.

Don’t be under any illusions in today’s copywriting world. To become a true professional, you need to follow trends and anticipate them and try them out in practice, trying to solve your client’s problems. Simply removing stop-words and adjusting text to Glavred’s parameters does not yet make a copywriter a top commercial writer, and most customers are well aware of this.