How to write a dissertation

Thesis Writing Tips

Doing thesis writing is easy. It is easy if you know how. But conversely, if you do not know how to do it, of course, it will be a difficult work.

So, How to Write Thesis Easily?

First, determine a title that interests you and the course material is mastered well. But remember, you need also to consider the faculty-tutor courses that may be appointed as your thesis writing supervisor later. Because, the appointment of the supervisor of the course based on the thesis title concentration you choose.

Tips: Avoid choosing a title which the subject that are relating to the title is guided by a lecturer who are known “difficult”, for that, it is necessary to seek information from seniors who are or have been completed their thesis.

Second, look for (at least) two theses that will be used as guide.

The first thesis: select thesis that that the title is similar to the title that you choose, the problems and the same analysis tools (will be used to benchmark your main thesis). The more the theses of the first kind you get, it will be better.

The second thesis: look for the thesis title that the object is the same or at least similar to the title of your thesis (e.g. a thesis with the object “Bank X Life Insurance” then the example of thesis that you should look for is thesis with the object ” Bank X Life Insurance ” or at least the object is ” Bank X Life Insurance “). The second thesis will be used to supplement the chapter II (about the general picture of the company).

Tips: Look for examples of thesis that you think good, has quality but the presentation is simple yet so it will not cause trouble to apply it into your thesis writing.

Dissertation writing tips

Third,  chapter I The most important thing to note, do not ever replicate the research background, written by someone else, because in presenting the background is regarding to the mindset of someone so that the process of an imitation is often causes the objectives that will be delivered  by the author is different from what the author submitted. So use an outline and thesis submission workflow instance but use your own language.

For the problem, show as much as possible the problems that often posed by other thesis writers. Because new problems will require new theories to support the thesis writing, so that will give you trouble, if the supervisor asks you to complete the theory behind the problem you ask.

Thesis Writing needs a lot of sources of theoretical basis; it is advisable to use a thesis as a guide for the storyline of the theory. But remember to use your own language, besides that, you need to do a “mixing” of the theories of some thesis. Make the orders of the theories from the main thesis are turned randomly and tucked similar theories from other thesis. This aim is to avoid “plagiarism stamp” in your thesis.

For the analysis tool, you should use analysis tools as simple as possible. Analysis tool will determine the level of difficulty in working on discussions (particularly in chapter III). Because, if the more difficult to master the analytical tools that proposed, it also will be more difficult for you to master the contents of the thesis discussion.

Tips: It is suggested using frequency tabulation analysis tool; given to a very simple discussion with a very simple calculation also make it easier for you to master the content of the overall thesis.