technical seo-text

What is technical SEO text

Content quality is a critical issue for website owners and SEO optimisers. When choosing between readability and recognition by search engine crawlers, many opt for the latter. As a result, technical text becomes a jumble of keys. However, the number of user exits from pages is also taken into account by search engines. Today, search engine crawlers analyze content in terms of its readability and the presence of useful information.

Ideal technical SEO text is content that is useful for website visitors. It intelligently lists reliable facts, and keywords help get a page into search results.

Why do you need technical SEO text?

Search methodologies are improving all the time. New relevancy metrics are emerging as well as ways to process content. Do not forget that every year consumers are becoming more demanding.

Search engines are no longer indexing sites with text containing only keywords, the so-called tag cloud. The robots pay attention to how these words are included in the text and whether they are relevant to the topic of the article.

Optimised SEO text, is keywords evenly distributed throughout the text content (headings, lists, paragraphs). The optimized text also includes meta tags – title and description. As long as you don’t provide a short description, the search engine will automatically grab a snippet of text and give it to the reader in the search. This reduces the chance that your article will catch the visitor’s interest and they will click through to your site.


Who needs technical SEO text

Such articles are not only analyzed by robots, but they are also read by people. To keep the user from leaving the page right away, it is important to get their attention. To do this, the article should have a lead paragraph, which contains the most interesting stuff.

If the reader is already interested in the introduction, it’s time to give them valuable information, interesting facts to connect with them. At the end of the article, gently encourage him or her to take action.

However, if in the middle of the article, the reader will come across a meaningless jumble of keywords that are irrelevant to the text (for example, when an article about flowers will say something about car engines), it will only cause irritation. It’s also important to maintain a strictly technical style when describing machines and devices. Excessive epithets and adjectives are inappropriate. That is why the author should have a technical background and experience in working with such mechanisms.

If you are not prepared to invest in technical content, but you have sufficient knowledge, write your own articles by studying the specifics of SEO copywriting.